2019 NWT Indigenous Economic Leaders Economic Coalition

A coalition of NWT Indigenous leaders from the Dene, Métis and Inuvialuit met in Yellowknife December 11-12, 2019 to review and endorse a framework on how they will collaborate to invest in important projects.

This two-day Forum built on the momentum and consensus from previous gatherings and took the important step of outlining how to seek and implement opportunities and invest in projects together while instilling investor confidence in others. During the Forum, Indigenous leaders shared their thoughts on the draft materials presented and collaborated on a Framework for a 5 Year Strategic Plan.

The agenda provided leaders with multiple opportunities for discussion through roundtables. Discussions were lively and everyone was able to share their opinion. Overall, the feeling was that “talking” was over and it was time for action. Below is a summary of topics discussed in the order in which they were presented and representative comments from participants.