DDC News2024-11-07T19:57:09+00:00

DDC News

2001, 2025

Global Pandemic Addendum – 2021

One year later, as economies around the world re-emerge from the devastation of COVID-19, there is a need for the Coalition to revisit its plans given the economic landscape has been dramatically altered as a result of the lockdown. DDC has asked Impact Economics to investigate how this altered economic landscape might affect the Coalition’s five-year plan and to provide an addendum to that plan where necessary.

2507, 2024

Tribute to Chief Edward Sangris

Born in Dettah in 1953, Edward Sangris came from a long line of leaders of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. His father Joseph (It’o) and brother Jonas were former Chiefs, and with Edward’s 16 years, their leadership spanned over 60 years, not including their respective times served as Councilors

2002, 2023

Tribute to James Firth

The Board and Staff were saddened to learn of the passing of long-time DDC Board Member and Chair and DII Board Member and Vice-Chairman James Firth.

110, 2020

Full review of Five Year Plan

The NWT Indigenous Leaders Economic Coalition is developing a five-year plan that will see the creation of a new investment body that will bring First Nation, Metis, and Inuit together for the purpose of business development and project investment.

1212, 2018

NWT Indigenous Leaders Seek Solutions

December 12, 2018 (Yellowknife) Indigenous leaders representing the Dene, Inuvialuit and Metis gathered in Yellowknife on December 11 & 12, 2018, along with guests from the federal and territorial governments.

1601, 2016

Choosing a Path Forward

Denendeh has enjoyed a prolonged period of economic prosperity and stability as a direct result of the investments in the oil and gas and diamond industries.

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