First Nations Major Projects Coalition
Resolution to become a member of the first nations major projects coalition society

Denendeh Development Corporation
Briefing Note – First Nations Major Project Coalition (FNMPC) Membership
- DDC seeking membership in the First Nations Major Project Coalition on behalf of DII and the NWT Indigenous Leaders Economic Coalition
- The First Nations Major Project Coalition (Canada) is a national 90+ Indigenous nation collective working towards the enhancement of the economic well-being of its members, understanding that a strong economy is reliant upon a healthy environment supported by vibrant cultures, languages, and expressions of traditional laws, and in particular to support members to:
- Safeguard air, land, water and medicine sources from the impacts of resource development by asserting its members’ influence and traditional laws on environmental, regulatory and negotiation processes;
- Receive a fair share of benefits from projects undertaken in the traditional territories of its members, and;
- Explore ownership opportunities of projects proposed in the traditional territories of its members.
- FNMPC is currently providing business capacity support to its members on 8 major projects located across Canada, each with a First Nations equity investment component, and a portfolio exceeding a combined total capital cost of over $20 billion.
- Membership is free and their business support is free of charge
- FNMPC’s business capacity support includes:
- Coordination and capacity support to communities involved in projects
- Project due diligence and viability
- Sourcing creditable project partners and consultants
- Bringing different levels of Government to the table
- Guidance with project ownership
- Application of First Nation led environmental standards
- Community readiness
- Facilitating effective communication between all project partners
- Membership is open to Indian Act Bands, Hereditary Leadership Groups, Tribal Councils and First Nation owned development corporation (like DDC)
- A resolution signed by a quorum from one of the eligible groups under the FNMPC bylaws is all that is required to join (Resolution attached)
FNMPC Briefing Note 2