A Long’Term Outlook for Denendeh

Denendeh has enjoyed a prolonged period of economic prosperity and stability as a direct result of the investments in the oil and gas and diamond industries. However, this economic stability will soon be replaced with a period of change and instability. This period will include a decline in economic and business activity, lost jobs and lower incomes, and a population movement away from rural communities and out of the territory altogether. Indeed, in some parts of Denendeh, these changes are already well underway.

But, there remain opportunities to replace what is being lost. Not every opportunity will be in mining, and there may not be a new job created for everyone that is lost. The new-look economy will require new perspectives, realigned expectations, and a new approach to planning and investing. Denendeh remains a region with immense economic potential, but tapping into this potential will require inter-regional cooperation, strategic investments, strong leadership, and some risk taking.

The purpose of this report is to improve our understanding of the changing economic landscape across Denendeh, when and how these changes will take place, and what can be done to change the downward trajectory of our economy.