NWT Forum Background Material Proposal

Denendeh Development Corporation (DDC) is hosting the NWT Indigenous Leaders Economic Forumon December 11-12, 2018 in Yellowknife.

The purpose of this Forum is to provide Indigenous leadership with a venue to learn about the state of the economy, discuss solutions, and build unity through partnerships and action.

It is now accepted that the territorial economy is in some trouble with a significant downturn in mining expected within 5 years,  little investment in other regions, and few known, near-term, economic opportunities.

DDC has requested a proposal from Impact Economics to write Background Material to help inform and stimulate discussions. This proposal outlines the scope of work, Time frame, and costs associated with this assignment.

Denendeh Development Corporation (DDC) is hosting the NWT Indigenous Leaders Economic Forumon December 11-12, 2018 in Yellowknife.