NWT Indigenous Leaders Seek Solutions to Address NWT Economic Challenges

December 12, 2018 (Yellowknife)  Indigenous leaders representing the Dene, Inuvialuit and Metis gathered in Yellowknife on December 11 & 12, 2018, along with guests from the federal and territorial governments, for a serious discussion regarding the state of the NWT economy, to discuss solutions and that existing programs, policies and practices such as procurement need to be addressed, and how to build unity through partnership and action.

During the two-day meeting, the Indigenous governments discussed a wide range of options for economic collaboration. The leaders agreed that as land holders and rights holders, Indigenous people in the NWT want to take the lead in building our economies and exercising our inherent right to self-determination.

Indigenous participants agreed to work together through a designated committee to advance the work identified by the leaders. There is a proposed meeting early in 2019 to keep the momentum going.

“Let’s harness the desire and expertise of Indigenous people to provide solutions” concluded spokesperson Dehcho Grand Chief Gladys Norwegian.

For more information: Dehcho Grand Chief Gladys Norwegian (867) 445-6150